Ana Sofía Reynoso Barnard is a NYC based Mexican freelance dancer, teacher and choreographer. She centers her work around 3 core beliefs:

  • Dance is an international language.

  • Dance IS for everybody.

  • The Dancer defines the space.

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Ana Sofía was born in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico and her very first memory is dancing in her mother's kitchen. At 16 years she began her formal dance studies in San Diego California. A proud graduate of The Ailey School Certificate program, Ana Sofía was also a classical ballet trainee for three years at The Joffrey Ballet School. She has performed works by Alvin Ailey, Vernard J. Gilmore, Earl Mosely, Robert Joffrey, Gerald Arpino, Africa Guzmán, Amy Hall Garner, Tyler Gilstrap, Judith Sanchez Ruiz, Edivaldo Ernesto, Greg Dolbashain, Fangting Yeh Winston Dynamite Brown and Nia Brantley. In addition, she has performed in many classics such as Swan Lake, Don Quixote, A Midsummers Night Dream, Cinderella, La Viviandere, and the Nutctracker. Additionally you can see her in various plays, films, indie projects, ads and the TV show "This Is Us" on NBC. Ana Sofía loves to give back the information that has been generously passed on to her through incredible teachers and mentors. She loves teaching and learning just as much as performing!

Ana Sofía nació en Morelia, Michoacán y empezó a bailar en la cocina de su mamá. A los 16 años, comenzó su estudios formales de danza en San Diego, California. Entrenó por tres años en ballet clásico en la escuela The Joffrey Ballet School. Terminó sus estudios formales dentro del programa Certificate Program, de la escuela The Ailey School, del maestro Alvin Ailey. Ana Sofía ha interpretado repertorio de los maestros y maestras Alvin Ailey, Vernard J Gilmore, Earl Mosely, Amy Hall Garner, Robert Joffrey, Gerald Arpino, Africa Guzmán, Edivaldo Ernesto, Judith Sánchez Ruiz, Gregory Doulbashain, Fangting Yeh, Winston Dynamite Brown, Nia Brantley, además de varias obras del ballet clásico. Ha participado en varios cortometrajes, series de televisión y anuncios comerciales. Por otro lado, es maestra de yoga Hatha habiendo completado un programa de 200 RYT horas en el taller Yoga Tropics con el maestro Kristyan Stjerne. Ana Sofía le encanta compartir la información que ha recibido de sus maestros increíbles y generosos. ¡Ama ser maestra y aprender, tanto como estar en escenario!